and welcome to Liverpool's one and only reliable gossip account. Here
we get the juiciest, most sexy scandals we can possibly find. The people
behind this account is a classified secret. However we will reveal their initials... 1. H. H
is the smart fashionista with a sharp, sexy tongue.
E. E is the best friend, the only person that H lets into her
complicated world.
M is the boy best friend to E and H, they rely on him a lot,
especially H, for life advice.
T. T is a major player, the man-whore of Liverpool, but H is smart
she knows how to scheme her way out of his trap. E however, was not.
M was the one doing the dirty work for H and E.
C. C is the previous crush to H, C, knows every little detail about H
and more but after the previous incident, will things ever be the
same, or will E remain the reigning BBM champion to C.
you worry my precious readers, I see your eyes blazing with a certain
curiosity that can only be found on the internet. I see you wondering
what these VII's (very important initials) stand for, well.... i'm
going to have to keep you lingering,
that’s a secret i'll never tell.....
Gossip Girl.